Track and Field: Beyond Technique Training

Track and Field - Beyond Technique cover page
Book design: Sandis Kops

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Track and Field: Beyond Technique Training - How to Challenge Genetic Potential by Changing the Mindset is now available on Amazon.

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Short intro

Track and Field: Beyond Technique Training is a training wisdom book rich with stories, observations and scientific evidence in an easy-to-read format. It offers practical lessons to athletes and coaches alike that are often overlooked in track and field training, but which are crucial both for athletes’ development and elite performances.

The core theory focuses on the concept of the “cumulative training effect”, and the book guides the reader through the different elements of training, recovery and mindset that can offer a significant contribution towards a cumulative training effect.

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About the author Reinis Kregers

Reinis Kregers

I am a semi-professional decathlete from Latvia who one day aspires to compete on the Olympic stage among the best decathletes in the world. My highest athletic achievement is 5th place at the European U20 championships in 2011. I graduated from Kansas State University in 2016 with a bachelors in Kinesiology.

My short professional career has involved working as a personal trainer, youth track and field club assistant coach, as well as strength conditioning coach. I am currently continuing my decathlon career in Prague, Czech Republic under an international sports ministry, Athletes in Action.


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