Adam Sebastian Helcelet

Czech professional track and field decathlete with personal best of 8335 points. Bachelor of Modern History and Politology. Currently member of club Olymp Praha. Living near Prague

Adam Sebastian Helcelet

I was born in 1991 and I am the only child from small village in the north of Czech republic. I started with track and field in Turnov. This city is well known because it is a place where world class discus throw meeting Memoriál Ludvíka Daňka takes place every year. When I was 16, Tomas Dvorak, legend of decathlon and world record holder of his time, offered me to join his training group. And this is where my story began.

He was coaching me for 4 years. Then he decided to accept the job as the head coach of Czech Track and Field Association. I was 5th at World indoor championship in Istanbul, 8th in European championship in Helsinki as a young decathlete. Then I moved to Rudolf Černý group. He was coach of Barbora Spotakova for many years, world record holder in women javelin. Under his coaching I won bronze medal at European championship U23 in Tampere.

From 2014 I train with Josef Karas, a former decathlete. I won my fy first medal from senior championship at European championship in Amsterdam 2016 when I placed second. In that year at Olympic games in Rio I scored 8291 points and finished twelveth. Year after I got european bronze indoor in Beograd. My personal best 8335 was scored year after in Gotzis, the famous decathlon meeting in the world.

Now I am focusing to Olympic games in Tokyo. My future goals is to be good and fair person. Do decathlon in clean way and be proud of my work. I’d like to have a medal from Olympics one day and motivate another young athletes.

My hobbies are books and history. I graduated bachelor degree 2018 at Metropolitan University Prague. I have a sweet daughter Evelin with my fiance Denisa Rosolova, my future wife. She used to be a very talented athlete so she support me as much as she can.

Articles written by Adam Sebastian Helcelet
History of the decathlon

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