Otto Ylostalo

Amateur decathlete from Finland with a personal best of 7476 points. Studying mathematics and statistics at the University of Helsinki.

Otto Ylostalo

My father who is a former Olympic athlete and has coached top level athletes in Finland introduced me to track and field at a very young age. I was always a hard worker when I was young and liked the variety track and field has to offer. The decathlon was a natural choice for me as my father and coach told me it’s the perfect event for me if I ever want to make it to the international scenes and that he sees the decathletes as the best athletes in the world.

I was on a decent level early in my career but suffered from injuries that has been hard to get over the last four years. I am still training full time because I still dream of becoming a better athlete and never want to look back at my career as a project I didn’t finish. I believe an athlete should peak around the age of 30 and not 20 which often seems to be the case for some reason.

I live in Helsinki together with my girlfriend Tiina, who is a national level athlete as well, and our two Jack Russell terriers that doesn’t keep our days boring. Tiina really gets me since we have similar interests and we complete each other both as athletes and partners.

I have in later years started to understand the importance of mental strength as well as a good balanced diet that is supposed to help your body and not be adding stress in your life.

About Decathlonpedia is the encyclopedia of combined events. It is home for every decathlete and athletics enthusiast. Decathlonpedia mission is to benefit coaches, athletes and decathlon fans by providing passion filled practical resources and inspiration that would increase performance as well as add value to our beloved sport.

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